2024/04/02 - NUDO, European Tour


Upcoming and recent shows
May 8th
Garvie-La Cava-Isasti trio
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Feb 22nd
Garvie-La Cava-Isasti trio
Cuerda Mecánica
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jan 31st
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dec 20th
Bass-Jaime-Isasti trio
Festival Guillotina (Roseti)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Nov 9th
Esa extraña otredad
Parque de la Estación
Buenos Aires, Argentina
2024/04/01 - Solo European Tour

Lo Bueno no es de Nadie Tour

2023/08/01 - Album release

Inhabitante (Numeral)

Inhabitante is the second studio album by NUDO, the duo I have with Mariano Sarra on piano and composition. The cover art was created by Nicolás Gaggero and you can listen the album in Bandcamp. Hope you enjoy it!
2023/07/14 - Album release

El Hombre, el Espejo, el Niño (ears&eyes)

El Hombre, el Espejo, el Niño is the second studio album by La Disidencia de las Máquinas, the trio with Ernesto Jodos on piano and Juan Bayón on upright bass. It features reactive electronics developed in Max/MSP and it was recorded and composed with the support of the Fondo Nacional de las Artes (Argentina). Boruro, the opening piece of the album, was awarded with the second prize in the "Jazz" category in the National Music Competition of Fondo Nacional de las Artes (2023).
The cover art was created by Nicolás Gaggero and you can listen the album in Bandcamp.
2023/02/20 - Solo set

Lo Bueno no es de Nadie - Studio Session at Banff Center

Last January I attended the Banff Musicians in Residency Winter 2023 to work on Lo Bueno no es de Nadie (What is good belongs to no one), a solo project with drums, electronics and recited texts. Here you can watch and listen a short version of the performance:

2022/02/18 - Album release

Happy Thief

The debut album by Hello Cacus!, Happy Thief, is out! It was a pleasure to record this album with Petter Asbjørnsen (upright bass) and Elias Stemeseder (piano) back in New York. You can listen on https://federicoisasti.bandcamp.com/album/happy-thief.
The amazing artwork corresponds to Leo Cullari. Please enjoy!

2021/11/09 - Multimedia piece

IRS - Imagen por Resonancia Sonora

IRS is a multi-media piece (video + electronics), part of AGUA, a medium length-film featuring seven differents works on water. You can read more here.

2021/08/21 - Album release


The debut album by La Disidencia de las Máquinas, Imago, is out! It's my first album as a leader and you can check it on https://federicoisasti.bandcamp.com/. Please enjoy!

2021/07/01 - Video trailers

La Disidencia de las Máquinas - Video trailers

These are the trailers for the single "Un Día Volvimos" and "Tren a Formia" from Imago, La Disidencia de las Máquinas' debut album. The video was done with Max/Jitter processing.
Single release: July 30, 2021. Album release: August 13, 2021.

2021/12/01 - New albums

Pandemic news

Relicario, the debut album by Pía Hernández Quinteto has been released on Irazú Records. Available here
Imago, first studio album by La Disidencia de las Máquinas (the trio with Ernesto Jodos and Juan Bayón), is being released next August 13th on ears&eyes Records.